The Fallacy of Reentry

Jill Gallagher
5 min readAug 8, 2021
Photo by Erin Larson on Unsplash

There’s a small stone set into the ground on the edge of the front lawn and the driveway at the house in Rhode Island where my mother grew up. It’s there to demarcate the border of two cities, the house in one, the driveway in the other. As a child, I was fascinated with this stone, and at the way something so small could mark where one thing began and another ended. It seemed so strange to me that I could stand in two places at once by putting one foot in the driveway and the other on the lawn. Why didn’t I feel different when I stepped over this stone, this invisible line?

Borders have always been artificial. This goes for the physical as well as the metaphysical. When we leave one room, close the door behind us, and enter another, isn’t there always something we leave behind of ourselves in that other room? We are never truly in just one place or in one time. We are never truly one thing or another.

In the same way that I am currently nearly 40, I am also still a deeply insecure 13-year-old trying to make the Jennifer Aniston haircut work for me, still a terrified 20-year-old getting diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder while studying abroad in Florence, still a beaming 30-year-old newlywed, still a shattered 32-year-old divorcee trying to make sense of life.

After I got hit by a car four years ago, I was largely restricted to my house so my…



Jill Gallagher
Jill Gallagher

Written by Jill Gallagher

Editor & writer. I'm a chain reader who also enjoys shopping and cheese.

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